In the fall of 1945 a few friends and talented dreamers came together to put on a show. Kind Lady opened on November 15, 1945 and The Augusta Players was born. Flash forward to today and The Augusta Players has grown into a regional, award-winning production company that entertains over 25,000 patrons each season. Additionally, our educational programs impact over 12,000 students each year. Other programming for and by young people enriches the lives of thousands more.
Looking ahead, as our 78th Season comes to a magical close, The Augusta Players is entering a new era. An era of growth and major commitment to our future. As our journey continues, we pledge to provide our community the opportunity to experience and participate in the wonders of professional theatre onstage and off. We are devoted to ensuring that every single young person has the chance to
experience and participate in the joy of theatre. To say that we are excited about what lies ahead would be an understatement. It is because of this, and in honor of the year we were “born”, we have decided to launch Club45.
Club45 is a monthly giving program that advances our mission while at the same time protects and nurtures an investment in our future. A monthly gift from you will help ensure that a student will experience theatre for the first time; that a young person with autism will find the joy of the arts and develop communication and life skills; and that a person who is lost will find a community.